И вообще, он не дал миру ничего, кроме очереди из автомата и своей торговой марки. Правда, мир ему тоже ничего не дал Пелевин о Че Геваре. В ответ на: что то вы очень подсадками увлеклись,,,не проше ли на геру.
Хроники Лиззи Борден
ЗДЕ дъйош вхмшл???!!!! Й ЬФБ ОХ РПИ.. РП НОЕ.. Й жит, Й лим
In recent years my body has been increasingly demanding of attention in those erotic parts that make one cum. I discovered my pussy a long time ago and found various ways to cause it to get juicy and quiver and tingle and make me feel ecstatic, but I have more and more longed to touch and feel a masculine sex organ with the same intensity. You would have though I cut off his cock! He lectured me for twenty minutes about the joy of sex being reserved only for married people and told me to behave myself and be patient. I sometimes feel like I just want to strip off my clothes and pull his face down into my wet pussy and make him get a good taste of me. This morning I am feeling especially horny.
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